We aim to build strong relationships with sub-contractors who can deliver the exceptional service Fryers is known for, in a professional and timely manner..

What We Offer:
  •  Excellent rates of pay
  • Year-round work from all major ports and inland depots
  • Good Payment terms
  • Fuel Cards
  • Ad-Blue 
  • Local and national jobs

Subcontracting with Fryers Transport is the perfect opportunity to build long-lasting, profitable relationships while helping us meet our customers' operational needs.

Whether you're looking for tramping, day/night shifts, or weekend work, we want to hear from you.

If you're interested, please get in touch with us to learn more about the opportunities available.



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Security Arrangements


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Does the above address have any of the following?

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  1.  If a Vehicle is Unattended all doors, windows and other points of access have been securely shut and locked with any security devices correctly set to operate and the keys removed from the Vehicle. 
  2. Unattached trailers MUST have anti-hitching devices put into operation.
  3. Vehicles are parked within a securely locked building of Substantial Construction or within asecurely locked compound surrounded by secure wall and/or fences.
  4. Unattached trailers have had anti-hitching devices put into operation. The onus of proving that the exact requirements of this Clause have been complied with shall rest with You.

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“Any goods and equipment are handed to you on the sole understanding that you will indemnify us against all liability in respect of loss, destruction of or damage to the goods and equipment which form the subject of this special contract during the period in which you or any subcontractors employed by you are in possession of the said goods and equipment”.


 Please be advised that ALL drivers/vehicles will be required to carry and use the following heavy duty containerlocks.

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This is a promise we have made to all of our customers following on from a number of attempted break-in’s either at services or at authenticated Truck Stops. We currently provide an excellent service for all our customers and we pride ourselves on making sure our customer is at ease knowing their business is carried out professionally and securely. It is fundamental that we maintain our reputation and with this continue to expand. All customers are now asking what security we have in place to ensure their load is safe and secure and we have ensured all customers that our vehicles will find safe parking whilst away from base and that a container lock will be fitted for all loaded containers. If you currently have a container lock, then please ensure you use it where applicable.Ifyou wish to acquire a container lock, we can supply one for a one off charge of £30. Failure to provide a container lock will limit us to the work you can carry out and if caught not using one, could jeopardise our reputation.

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If your bank details change, please notify us as soon as possible to enable us to make your payment to the correct account.

Once completed, please return with copies of the following documents:

  • Goods in Transit Insurance (minimum £6,500 per tonne required)
  • Motor Insurance Certificate
  • Public and Employers Liability Insurance
  • O' Licence
  • Waste Licence Certificate (if applicable)
Please select to continue.

* Any London Gateway costs will be re-charged to the subcontractor if drivers do not have a valid card upon arrival.